I’ve had blog posts reach hundreds of thousands of people and earn thousands in revenue. Some of our articles to this day are used by Oxford and Cambridge University as part of their learning modules. In this article we share some tips on How to Write Better Blog Posts That Rank Well.
It all sounds great when you can say your blog posts and content gets good traffic in search engines like google, earns you reoccurring revenue and is used by some of the top universities in the world as a learning resource. But!
A lot of hard work, dedication, and patience was required, it’s not easy creating content and you need to be dedicated and in it for the long haul.
Here’s the thing, when you eventually see your content doing well it’s such a great feeling!
What’s the key to creating good content, and How Do You Write Better Blog Posts That Rank Well?
Let’s take a look at some, copywriting and content marketing fundamentals.
Grab a beverage, also bookmark this article and enjoy reading.
We share some copywriting tips to help you write better blog posts that ranks well.
Table of Contents
1. Keep Readers Who Skim Your Content Hooked
Some people will read the text under each paragraph in your blog post. Some people will skim right over them and just digest the first line or two.
Creating content for both these readers to maximise shared ability.
2. Use Bucket Brigade in Your Content Writing
Use what… you say?
Let me explain what a Bucket Brigade for Content Writing is. A bucket brigade is a bridge phrase which is most often used by copywriters. By bridge phrase, I mean a phrase that encourages the reader to keep on reading.
- For example:
- Hear me out.
- Here’s the thing
- But that’s not all
- You might be thinking
You’re probably wondering
All of these sentences lower people into wanting to read more of your blog post.
Why? …Why because he’s the thing:
Did you see what I did there?
It keeps the reader engaged with your content, and they will want to scroll further down to continue reading more of your blog posts.
3. Build Up Pain Early on
You have to convince the reader because they should read your blog post and while the headline likely lowered them in, it’s your job to make sure the reader stays reading your blog post until the end.
The first paragraph should describe the pain you’re going to solve and establish credibility, also known as the answer paragraph where you quickly outline with the answer to their question, but also go into detail and provide additional information that makes the reader want to read the full blog post.
4. Don’t Be So Bland With Your Words.
This is quite tricky to get over as it’s always easy to water down your opinion/ perspective. You need to get out of doing this, so stop immediately!
Embrace powerful words in your headlines and paragraphs. Avoid using passive voice and strive to maintain authority in every paragraph you write.
5. Mix Up Your Content Quotes
This one isn’t really a copywriting tactic, but it’s important to mix up your content. Don’t just talk to the reader one to one – embrace third-party quotes, stories, data and antidotes.
This helps build credibility and even relationships with your readers.
6. Avoid Large Blocks of Text
The number of articles and blog posts I read I still see large blocks of text which really annoy me and make me stop reading the article.
It’s quite a turn off and I’m sure most of you will agree. It really does make content hard to scan even if you are someone who reads a lot and writes full blog posts. To put it simply, it’s just ugly to look at!
Paragraphs or awesome, but sentences are a whole lot better.
Don’t be afraid to throw your high school textbook around, how to format and structure the correct paragraph out the window.
Break things up with sentences is easier on the readers eyes.
7. Incorporate Personality
Don’t shy away from your own style, after all it’s you who is writing the blog post.
If you avoid including any type of human Element into your copy, the article or blog post will sound just like everyone else.
Take the time to learn what makes your voice unique and include it in your copywriting, this will make your blog post unique to your blog and encourage your readers to come back to read more of your blog posts and articles.
8. Embrace Bullet Points and Subsections
We have already established that people want content that is easily scannable and easy to digest. Bullet points and subsections are great to use for this.
- People want easy to follow content
- Bullets help make connections
- They’re also easy on the eyes
- They help your content become scannable and easy to digest
9. Break The Fourth Wall
In the same way Hollywood lights to break the fourth wall in movies and TV shows, you can do the same in your blog posts.
I can even do it right now as you read this blog post:
Look at your thumbs, it’s likely hovering over my words right now so why not share this article and provide value to your followers as it may help them out.
The choice is yours, but we do really appreciate you sharing our content… thanks 🙂
10. Make Them Feel Something
This is one of my personal favourites for creating good content, I’m always wanting the reader to feel something positive.
Firstly, I want the reader to enjoy my blog post, but also feel like they have taken value away from it by learning something new, or they are motivated to do something based on what they have just learnt.
When a reader has finished reading a blog post, you want them to feel:
- Excited
- Inspired
- Motivated
- Informed
- Happy
- Confident
The reader needs to feel something positive as that’s what providing value is all about.
Also, a nice call-to-action often does the trick. It’s all about sharing value!
11. Care About the Reader, You Have to Add Value!
After the last section this shouldn’t NEED to be said but it deserves its own section.
You HAVE to add value to your blog posts and articles.
Create content that helps people, create content that inspires them to think differently, create content that solves problems, create content that educates, engages and entertains.
Whenever you create a piece of content whether it be an article, case study, blog post or social media post you need to be thinking of the value you it gives the reader.
- How does it make them feel?
- What can they take away from it?
- Will they want to come back and read more of your content?
We hope this article has helped in answering the question about How to Write Better Blog Posts That Rank Well.
As a business owner it’s important to start viewing every piece of your content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts and even tweets and Instagram posts like an investment in to your business.
These are assets and investments in your business, and they should be expected to deliver some type of return back into your business to allow you to continue to do what you do.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog post about how you can start writing better blog posts that rank well… I hope it will help you in creating better content that provides value to your readers.
Be sure to check out our other content.
Articles by Andrew for Further Reading:
How to Write a Perfect Blog Post Every Time: Expert Tips
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Author Bio
Andrew Marriott is the owner and founder of The Logo Creative, an award-winning strategic logo & brand identity design studio. They also run a popular award-winning blog for creative individuals.
Understand Your Audience
It’s very important that you understand what your readers are searching for so you know what to write about. It’s vital that you understand the audience you’re targeting with your content.
When writing, write with the reader in mind. It’s good practice to write as if you’re answering a question. Readers will always be asking themselves is this content worth my time reading?
Keep the reader invested and address their issues and concerns they are searching for and send them away with value.
Create Keyword-Rich Headlines
It’s a strategic approach to aim to write compelling headlines by including keywords that are relevant to the topic you are writing about.
When users search Google what words are they typing into the search box? Make a list of the relevant words and phrases and include these not only in the contents copy, but also in the blog post title.
Good relevant headlines get the clicks make sure it clarifies what you’re writing about, it’s all about providing the reader with valuable content.
Write Great First Sentences
To grab the reader’s attention early on in the blog post, its good practice to write an optimised first paragraph that also includes the same key words that are included in the blog post headline.
Try to get right to the point including keywords and phrases within the first sentence of the first paragraph, then at the end of the blog post end by summarising it again.
Keep Your Content Structured
Formatting your blog post content is very important, readers want to enjoy reading your blog post content, so make it presentable and easy to follow.
Most readers skim through the content before committing to reading it fully. They want information as quickly as possible so make it easy for them to get it.
Keep paragraphs shot and use subheadings and bullet list to break up the page.